Monday, September 30, 2013

Who is out to lunch?

I heard a crazy idea. A bank was considering taking newly graduated grads out to lunch. Don't get me wrong. I think a free meal is great. Heck I will take a free meal even being out of school. But I don't see the lasting value for a corporation to reward its customers with a lunch when it is in the business of safeguarding money.

A free meal will translate into enduring customer satisfaction.

If the point is to build relationships then work on getting staff in a branch that is not constantly turning over!

In Bank Innovation 2013, one of the big ideas is a fundamental shift of clients wanting a minimal relationship with their banks to wanting to be known personally. Read what JJ Hornblass said in his review from his blog 6 Big, Hairy Innovation Ideas from Bank Innovation 2013.

Banks should really focus on what matters to customers before they get their fiscal pick-nick baskets swiped!

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