Monday, October 7, 2013

Yes! Keep the change, Keep a customer

The above picture describes how most everyone feels in their lives at one point or another. You are, were, or will be BROKE.

I received and interesting call from a close friend. He knew I managed a retail bank branch and asked if we exchange coin for cash. I told him we did; however, if we were very busy we ask customers to have it pre-rolled. He then related his story to me. He went into his own bank and asked them to exchange a large amount of loose coin. They flat out refused him and sent him away.

Since that day I made it a point to take the extra time to help people.

But this leads me to the big picture point of my post. Banks need to learn how to say YES. Not in the sense of yes, I will reverse all your overdraft fees, or yes I will approve the loan but rather create a relationship to where bankers really educate and help their customers and not just send them away empty handed.

There are so many regulations that prohibit banks from discussing credit due to them not being a "credit" agency. But more times than not people are turned down for products or services, are told you don't fit in our "box" (approval guidelines) and are left with out any real understanding of what to do or where to go.

Financial institutions should create a better way to engage, educate, and find ways to say YES!

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