Saturday, September 7, 2013


Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. Antoine de Saint-Exupery French writer (1900 - 1944).

When I read this article I found it to be very educational. This was an exceptionally simple and even a simpleton like me got it :-) 

I included all 10 points and 3 of the summations that really spoke to me. Read the original review of Aaron Schildkrout's principals by William Mougayar

1-Processes are the circulatory systems of a company

2- Curiosity is what gets things done
3- You are a scientist running experiments
4- Processes are also products
5- Great processes constantly evolve
6- Pick smart tools
7- Make your processes invisible
A process is supposed to make things flow better. “Great processes shouldn’t yield maniacal attention to detail when detail isn’t what’s needed. Great processes should result in rapid, effective decision-making.”

8- Don’t forget the human part

“Great things get made when people are inspired, and inspiration needs tending.” So true. In my experience, the best processes can be shot down by a person who doesn’t want to make it work. Alternatively, a not-so-perfect process can still work, if someone makes it happen.

9- It’s worth the effort

10- Stop fearing failure
It’s all about growth. When you grow, you are entering an unknown territory. “Growth requires doing things whose outcome cannot be predicted, and learning requires failing.”  “Build process that let failure be an acceptable–even celebrated–source of fuel for your next victory.”

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