Thursday, September 19, 2013

Let's Dream...

As I shared in my Rant Part 2, the student experience can be arduous and down right frustrating.

So we are going to pretend I am the king for a day and I got to choose how to reconnect with the student population, while also building more loyal customers and making more money for the Bank of Ben.

For the moment, let me share with you my outline for how to do this, but I ask the following conditions...
1. Don't tear the idea down...Yet... 
2. Picture this in your mind as if it was already up and running
3. Imagine how the product makes you feel
4. Contemplate how to make the product as simple as possible

So for the next little while...humor me...

We need to play a game. 

This game would be socially driven, community centered, and enrich the users life. 

Tom logs into (this is my fictitious bank). He then finds the link at the top that says Student Central. He was referred by a friend to try a new game. It tracks students activities, offers challenges, group awards, and was really fun. He already has a checking account with them so on the middle of the page is a YouTube video explaining the game and the link below is the registration. 

He is then prompted to create an anonymous user id, and choose an avatar.

He is then prompted to fill out one of three surveys. One is his financial status and goals, the next was academic aspirations and progress, and last was community involvement and service.

Based on his progress towards his goals he is awarded points, badges, and is ranked among peers with designations, like financial wiz, super scholar, or the big heart award for community service.

Tom receives challenges and tracks his progress. He is always eager to challenge his friends and invite more to play. Tom also enjoys prizes for community service, most improved grades, and rewards for making better financial decisions.

As Tom reaches the end of graduation and is now working full time. His avatar is placed in to the retired hall of fame and is invited to talk to his branch to learn more about how he can be set up for success.

He receives a message to come speak to a banker. He changes his account type, is given specific offers around upgrading his student credit card, and is offered discounts on his first auto loan.

Not only is Tom now better prepared to make better financial decisions, but his bank was instrumental in encouraging better grades, degree completion, and a more involved community member.

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